This time, netizens were once again shocked by a popular news item on social media, the presence of the "Pokংmon" character in a photo uploaded to Google Maps.
From Google search results, this viral news has exploited more than 100,000 searches.
Interestingly, this image can be navigated through Google Maps. Especially if Internet users search an area called Kedungwaru Kidul, Demak and Central Java.
After the complaint, it appears that there is an Instagram user (@ artbiz360) who claims that the photo was taken and uploaded to that location. Take a small picture around 9-10 at night.
He wrote in his account that the image (including a 360-degree image) was taken about two years ago when he was testing the nighttime performance of the new camera. He even admitted that he found out after the news spread widely.
If you're curious, and want to see for yourself on Google Maps, just type "Kedungwaru Kidul, Demak" into Google. The search results will be displayed on Google Maps at the top right. Click and card. The results will show a selection of 360-degree images at the bottom left
Give him a picture, at first glance he looks like a white shadow with a burning red eye. However, this is just a vague image that is not clearly visible. It could be a lamp on the side of the road or a white object.
And most importantly, we should not easily believe in photographs of the presence of something invisible. Logically the camera cannot capture the invisible.
As believers, we are forced to believe in magic (there are heavens and angels). But the quiet bokong belief that it comes from the soul of the murdered man is wrong. There are no human ghosts, and spirits will not be able to roam this earth, because they have entered the grave and then into the kingdom of Isthmus.
Believers must believe this, and if it is true that they saw the appearance of a strange creature, it is probably a jinn who wants to frighten people and deceive and deceive people (and God is omniscient).
From Google search results, this viral news has exploited more than 100,000 searches.
After the complaint, it appears that there is an Instagram user (@ artbiz360) who claims that the photo was taken and uploaded to that location. Take a small picture around 9-10 at night.
He wrote in his account that the image (including a 360-degree image) was taken about two years ago when he was testing the nighttime performance of the new camera. He even admitted that he found out after the news spread widely.
If you're curious, and want to see for yourself on Google Maps, just type "Kedungwaru Kidul, Demak" into Google. The search results will be displayed on Google Maps at the top right. Click and card. The results will show a selection of 360-degree images at the bottom left
Give him a picture, at first glance he looks like a white shadow with a burning red eye. However, this is just a vague image that is not clearly visible. It could be a lamp on the side of the road or a white object.
And most importantly, we should not easily believe in photographs of the presence of something invisible. Logically the camera cannot capture the invisible.
As believers, we are forced to believe in magic (there are heavens and angels). But the quiet bokong belief that it comes from the soul of the murdered man is wrong. There are no human ghosts, and spirits will not be able to roam this earth, because they have entered the grave and then into the kingdom of Isthmus.
Believers must believe this, and if it is true that they saw the appearance of a strange creature, it is probably a jinn who wants to frighten people and deceive and deceive people (and God is omniscient).